Social Media Buttons

With Convertful, you can add the following social media buttons to your widgets:

  • Facebook like button
  • Twitter follow button
  • Instagram follow button
  • LinkedIn follow button
  • Pinterest save button


To add a social media button to your widget, simply click on the “Elements” section of the Widget Editor, click on the “Follow Buttons” icon, drag and drop it to where you want it to appear on your widget.


Click on the Follow Buttons “Settings” tab and you will be able to select which social media button you want to add to your widget. Note that you will need to add in the following information for each social media account that you want to direct the visitors to:

  • Facebook page URL
  • Twitter account username
  • Instagram account username
  • LinkedIn company/showcase page URL
  • Pinterest username


Note that for Facebook, the like button may not work for some visitors depending on their location and Facebook settings. This is due to blocks placed by Facebook for the European Union region.


Like with all other buttons, you can decide what other action will occur once a visitor clicks on the social media buttons through the “On Click Actions” section. You can also select for the visitor to stay on the same widget screen after clicking by turning on the relevant button.
