Shadow Effects

With Convertful, you can create eye-catching pop-ups with both basic and advanced shadow effects.


Shadow effects can also be added to text fields to make the text stand out.


To apply one or multiple shadow effect(s) to your form, follow the steps below.

In the Widget Editor, select the “Settings” tab, and click on the “Shadow effects” button. 


Click on “Add Shadow”. This will give you access to pre-defined shadow templates


You can customize effects as you like, for example: change colors, apply multiple layers, use complex combinations of colors and positioning, use inset and offset shadow effects. 


Note if you want to pick a different template, simply hover over the shadow effect settings and the “bin” icon will appear. You can then delete the shadow effect and select a different one.


Text Shadow Effects #

You can add shadow effects to emphasize text elements, allowing you to create basic and colored shadows, glowing effect, effect of 3D text and more.


To apply a shadow effect(s) to your text, follow the steps below.

In the Widget Editor, click on the text field to see the text element settings. Select the “Shadow effects” button and “Add Shadow”.


This will give you access to our pre-defined templates.


You can adjust the text shadow effects settings such as shadow’s color, positioning, and blur radius as required. You can also create complex shadow effects by combining multiple shadows for the same text element.
