How to Connect Convertful with ConvertFox

You can easily connect Convertful widgets with ConvertFox to grow your mailing lists and create email automations. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to integrate ConvertFox with Convertful.

Step 1: Choose ConvertFox Integration #

When editing a widget, go to Success Actions tab, press the Add Integration button and choose ConvertFox (Frontend) from the list of available email providers:


Step 2: Choose Account Name #

Next, you need to choose an Account Name - an internal value that you will be able to use to identify this particular account in account lists. Press the Connect with ConvertFox button after:


If your site was already connected with ConvertFox, Convertful will connect with the relevant ConvertFox project and its contact list. If not - you first need to connect ConvertFox with the website according to these instructions

Integration complete! Now all subscribers who opted-in using this widget will be added to your ConvertFox contact list.

If you want to create additional fields and marks for subscribers, who opted-in with this widget, you may specify the Advanced Settings (described below).

Advanced Settings #

Marking Subscribers #

You may want to mark subscribers, that opted-in using the current widget, in your ConvertFox list for purposes like: personalized offers, targeted mailing campaigns, conversion rate analysis etc. Convertful provides a simple solution for it.

Select the input fields of your widget to open their settings and add a new Custom Hidden Data field:


Click this new field and fill in the custom field name and its value:


  • Custom Field Name defines the name of a custom field of your ConvertFox list to store the marking value. If there was no such field in your list - it will be automatically created. 
  • Custom Field Value defines the value that will be added to the specified field.

Once finished, don’t forget to save the changes (using the Save Changes button in the top right corner). After this, each visitor subscribing with this widget will get the specified custom field value (a mark) in your ConvertFox list.

Adding Tags #

You can mark subscribers in ConvertFox list with tags as well by using the hidden field with the custom field name 'Tags' and specifying the comma-separated tags in the value string: 


Viewing the Marks (Added Fields and Values) #

Once you have marked subscribers, you may want to see the big picture of your current contacts with the applied marks. To do this, go to your ConvertFox project list and choose the relevant project: 


Next, press the column list button at the top right corner and choose columns you want to see in the contact list, including the custom field name created earlier:


Now you can see the marks in the common list of subscribers and make decisions based on it (create specific email campaigns, measure opt-in effectiveness, etc.):


Adding Tags #

After choosing the Segment in Success Actions tab, you can also specify space-separated values to assign tags to your subscribers:


Adding Subscribers to ConvertFox Segments #

In ConvertFox subscribers list, you can create segments based on custom field values and tags. 


To add your new subscribers to the relevant segment, make sure you're using this segment's custom field values and tags in your widget.
