
With Convertful you can click-simple share your site's widgets with sub-accounts and adjust permissions for them. 

Sending an Invite #

Open your site's Users section and press the Invite User button:


Type in the email you'd like to share your site's widgets with and press the Send button:


The invited user will receive an email with invite link. If he(/she) doesn't yet have Convertful account associated with the specified email - invite link will redirect to account creation. Otherwise - access to the site will be shared right away.

Once 'Waiting for registration' message disappear you'll know that invite accepted. In the case of email delivery issues - you can re-send the invite using the relevant button:


Adjust Permissions #

By default, all users added with the site permission 'Read only', but you can manually change it picking the relevant element of the site permission dropdown list. 


Read Only #

Allows access to site's tabs with permissions: 

  • View: Widgets, Analytics, Subscribers

This permission allows invited user to see the widgets without being able to edit anything. In widget's builder user will see a preview mode, which allows switching between widget screens and desktop/mobile previews: 


Edit Widgets #

Allows access to site's tabs with permissions: 

  • Edit: Widgets
  • View: Analytics, Subscribers

This permission allows invited user to rename, create, edit, and remove widgets as they like, including widgets themselves and widget list (re-order widgets, group widgets, etc.).

Edit Widgets and Integrations #

Allows access to site's tabs with permissions: 

  • Edit: Widgets, Integrations
  • View: Analytics, Subscribers

This permission allows invited user to connect, remove and edit integrations along with access to edit widgets and widget list. 

Edit Widgets, Integrations & Sites #

Allows access to site's tabs with permissions: 

  • Edit: Widgets, Integrations, Site Settings (excluding site disconnect), Connecting new sites
  • View: Analytics, Subscribers

Users & Permissions Dashboard #

In your account's Profile >> Users, you'll see a list of all invited users along with sites and permissions they got. From this dashboard, you can easily manage users, sites, and permissions using the relevant controls:


Sub-Accounts of the White Label Dashboard #

If your account got Agency features and White Label Dashboard activated and set up, you can share access to your site and widgets via White Label dashboard application. Go to your account's Profile section, Users tab, and press the Invite User button.


This will trigger the pop-up where you can enter the email of sub-account you want to invite, specify the site you want to share access to, and dashboard (your custom domain). Here you can also specify the subject and text for the invitation email and send it. This invite will use your account's email for the 'from' field. 

By default, this invite will grant the Read only permissions. You can adjust permissions using the relevant dropdown list in the Users list:
