3-Minute Start

With Convertful, it takes you less than three minutes to start growing your subscriber list. Just follow our step-by-step guide and you will see how easy it is.

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin #

First, you need to install and activate our WordPress plugin -  search for "Convertful". 


Step 2: Create your Convertful Account #

Once the plugin is activated, you will be redirected to its main page. Press the Connect to Convertful button:


Next, you will see the registration form displayed below. Fill in the email and press Create Free Account button: 


Next, you'll need to confirm your email by typing in the code we'll send you to the specified email: 


Finish creating the account by choosing the username, password, and First Name:


Step 3: Create New Optin #

Create New Optin #

Once your account is ready, you'll be redirected to it. Open the Widgets section to start creating your first widget, and press the Create Widget button:


Choose a template that you like and press the Create button:


Customize Widget Design #

Here you can customize widget design, add elements, change content, colors, sizes - whatever you like. Just click the element and adjust its setting in the side panel. 


Customize Button's Action #

Click the submit button to open its settings and pick On Submit Actions that it should perform on click:


You can choose actions provided by Convertful functionality and connected integrations via the dropdown list. See related article for details on how to connect integrations.


Customize Display Rules #

Next, go to your widget's Display Rules tab. Here you can specify triggers and targeting conditions defining where and how the widget should or shouldn't appear. Default settings defined by the template, in general, should suit it well, but you can change them as you like. 


Once finished, don't forget to save changes (button at the top right corner of the screen) and activate your widget. 

That's it! Your opt-in form is set up and ready. You'll now see it on your site in accordance with the display rules you specified.